Drizzly Saturday in Chinatown-International District

Seattle’s rain has been nice. I’m not quite ready for a summer spent in a baking apartment. Today’s mission – get a fan. It was yesterday’s mission, but I grabbed two cameras and headed to Seattle’s Chinatown-International District. I wanted to walk around, take a few photos, and maybe get some groceries at Uwajimaya.

Taking two cameras is almost always a bad idea. I still fall into that trap regularly, though. But what if… Yesterday it wasn’t a terrible idea. I had a Canon FTb loaded with TriX. I just wasn’t really feeling it. I took a few random shots with a digital camera.

Chinatown matched my mood I think. Or I imagined it matched my mood. Moving slowly, unenthusiastically. Glad to be out but also eager to get back home. People were out, waiting in socially-distanced lines. It all felt a little somber, heavy. No luck at Uwajimaya. The line to get in looked to be moving, but I wanted to keep moving.

I like that part of town and need to get there more often. Maybe a Dough Zone takeout order soon.

(The photos are in a slideshow. I’m never really sure if that’s obvious.)