Dog Day Afternoon

It is hot in Seattle right now. I don’t care if it’s 115 where you are (hello Arizona!) and you’re laughing at high 80s. It’s hot. Most of us haven’t got air conditioning or pools. H-O-T.

I went for a walk, and it was miserable. But I did get to see some dogs in backpacks. What prompts that? Concern over the dogs overheating or the temperature of the sidewalks? Both? I missed the second dog. Cute as could be, just checking things out. But I was carrying a bag of Thai food in one hand, so I didn’t press on.

Capitol Hill, Seattle, July 2020.
Capitol Hill, Seattle, July 2020.

The well-planned refrigerator right now has peaches, plums, cottage cheese, yogurt, popsickles, tomatoes, cucumbers, feta cheese crumbles, olives, gelato, and peppers of all sorts.

That is not my fridge. I continued my exploration of failed Home Economics. Last week I bought a fresh bag of spinach instead of the plastic container. Decided to use it today so it wouldn’t go to waste. I didn’t have anything to use it with, but that’s fine. I’ll always eat spinach that has come in contact with olive oil.

I don’t think I have the optimal workflow. I randomly pulled off stems before chucking the leaf into a not big enough bowl for rinsing. My distracted brain reversed the flow a couple of times. Damn. Rinse, rinse again, sauté. I go to the sauté too often, but I have good reasons. I don’t know how to do anything else, and there’s no way in Hades I’m turning on that oven right now.

One bag of spinach. Sure seemed to be a lot less after sautêing. I ate it all. I think I do better with the big plastic tubs.