On the Streets: Capitol Hill

I don't want to jinx us, but it's been a nice late January in Seattle. The days getting longer is a welcome counter to pandemic gloom.

Capitol Hill's Central Co-op is a gem. I ducked in there tonight to get a few chow hall eats staples. I wasn't really in the mood for cooking, though, so I also got one of their prepared meals - tofu in super spicy sunrice sauce. I had to read it twice. I'm not sure what sunrice is. Rice, tofu, some beans - thumbs up from me. I added some kimchi to it.

Mask life is strange. I keep doing double takes - is that so and so? I won't miss the masks.

Still life in an old apartment. I love my apartment, but there are some things I'd change.
I liked how the light was hitting the top floor of the building and the clouds. Took a couple of shots but nothing really worked. I messed around a little with it in Lightroom, but it went from muddy to flat and dull. 
Pandemic moods. I'm not artsy or conceptual, but I'm more aware than ever of the things that divide us. Politically, physically. When I walk by Cal Anderson and see people out with their dogs, there's social connection, but it's still distanced.
Same as above.