On the Streets: Capitol Hill

Fall is the best season. It's the one I always ask to hang on just a little longer. Unless I'm in Arizona, and I'm begging the one week spring not to go gently into that awful inferno.

Took a few photos on some recent walks. Was it a couple of days ago? A few years ago? It's hard to tell these days. It's nice to get out for walks. It's nice to be reminded that other people are just getting on with it. I'm not implying that they're being reckless. They're being careful and respecting others' space while enjoying a beautiful season.

I'm not looking forward to Halloween. It's a favorite holiday, even though I'm too boring to ever get a costume. But I like walking around, seeing others having a good time, and ducking into favorite Capitol Hill spots to see what costumes my industry friends are wearing.

The first post-COVID Halloween is going to be a wild night. It might be extended for the entire month of October. A Dionysian bacchanal. I hope I'll get to wear some sort of Sad Donald costume. I'll get one of those 1970s rainbow filament beach chairs, don an orange wig, wear a shiny red tie that goes down to my knees, plop my ass down in that chair, and hand out stale candy I stole from the White House on my way out the door. Melania, there's more candy here, have you got any room in your bags? No, sorry, they're stuffed with White House linens. Oh, good idea. Maybe I'll hand out a few My parents went to Florida and all they got me was this shitty Mar-a-Lago shirt (made in Jina) t-shirts.

I think he still has a good chance of winning, so I may be eating some humble pie soon. I don't want to think about that. On to the photos.

Lost Lake, Capitol Hill, Seattle, October 2020. I might brave a piece of pie and a coffee from Lost Lake before I move. Go when they first open, in and out.
Capitol Hill, Seattle, October 2020.
Capitol Hill, Seattle, October 2020. I have taken a lot of photos of this wonderful bar front. Most just haven't worked. Happy with this one and the next one, but I wish I'd had a wider lens to capture more of the "No:" sign. Those are good Nos.
Capitol Hill, Seattle, October 2020.
Capitol Hill, Seattle, October 2020. Same thing for Mario's. I have taken a lot of photos of Mario's and its neighbors. They never do justice to what you actually see. I liked this one. I am always careful/hesitant about intruding on people. I try to apply my Golden Rule of photography - would I be ok being in this photo? I know it's a subjective formula, but my answer here was yes.