On the Streets (Water): Magnolia
I finally made it to Seattle’s Magnolia neighborhood. I liked it. I’m sure some will cringe when I say this, but it reminded me of close-to-the-beach towns (as opposed to beach towns) in New England. I don’t want to overstate the comparison, only that the cottages, the salt water air, and the water reminded me of towns I’ve driven through in Maine. Disagree? I grew up in the Arizona desert, so it could be a poor analogy.
Friends invited me over for a rooftop get together. I had some serious house envy. The rooftop had a great view of Seattle and Mount Rainier. But the best part was that my friends felt comfortable leaving the doors wide open, with signs directing visitors to make their way up the (several flights of) stairs to join the party. Toto, we’re not in Capitol Hill anymore. I stopped on my way home to grab a few photos.
Lightroom and Post-Processing notes: I shot the photos in RAW, but I was selecting the Fujifilm film simulations as I shot. When you import the photos into Lightroom, the photo as shot is shown briefly before reverting to RAW. I added the film simulations back in and made some minor adjustments to some of the settings.
Do any of you shoot with Fujifilm? The out of the camera JPEGs are so good that I have mixed feelings about shooting in RAW. I know there are ways to work with the out of the camera version in Lightroom, but I’d need to research that again. Do any of you shoot in RAW but work on the JPEG versions in Lightroom? If you do, I’d be interested in hearing how you do it.