My grandfather was a field artillery officer in the U.S. Army and served in the European Theater during World War II. I think he served primarily in a staff position in Patton’s Third Army, but I need to confirm the specifics. He always liked cameras and had a couple of Leicas and Rolleiflexes that, sadly, are completely out of date. After the war he was stationed briefly in Istanbul, Turkey, as a visiting military instructor.
My family and I are working on archiving and digitizing some of his photos and 16mm video. If you’ve ever scanned and sorted photos and videos for archiving purposes, you know that it’s a slow process. But we’ve gotten a few reels back, so I thought I’d post a short video of some footage. The folks at Tempe Camera and Arizona Media Service did a great job with the reels. I used Photoshop to compile a shorter version of one of the DVDs we got back from them.

(The video is about a minute long. I haven’t done much editing of video. It might look like a blank white screen the first second or two because I clumsily added in a brief transition.) [Note: WordPress didn’t like the MP4 format, so I uploaded it to YouTube and linked it below.]

[wpvideo 7uzS7KKm]

Istanbul, 16mm footage from early 1950s