Holy Mackerel

Well, that was a failure. I wrote a quick couple of paragraphs about Capitol Hill’s Cafe Presse. My friend moved recently and she mentioned it was one of the places she’d really miss. I hadn’t been for a while, so I went the other night. I figured I’d get a sardine sandwich (yep, sardines…), but I got tempted by the mackerel filet. It was delicious.
That’s when things went wrong in Squarespace. I’m trying to figure out if I can post images straight from my Macbook’s Photos folder instead of going through Lightroom. The answer? Not the way I tried. I crashed my system and lost the paragraphs. I didn’t lose much, but it was a good reminder that Squarespace hasn’t got an autosave, at least not one that I know of. I might look into the settings.
Here’s the photo of the mackerel. It’s a lousy photo, but it was a delicious meal. If you like cozy neighborhood French cafés, give Presse a try.

Mackerel filet, Cafe Presse, Seattle.