Hanging out with Taylor Swift

Hanging out with Taylor Swift

How’s that for click-bait? My Instax Square has a light leak. I think it’s because the back, where you put the film and then close, doesn’t sit flat. It produces a ghostly purple line that I kind of like. But there’s a chance it could go right through someone’s face. Let’s say I’m out walking, and I bump into the famed Sasquatch. I take out my Instax, fire off a shot, and there’s a line right thru the furry fella. So long fame and fortune. Not cool.

My friend Valerie lent me her fancy Taylor Swift Square model to compare to verify that I haven’t just had a run of really bad luck with film. Confirmed. I’ll be a little sad to give this one back. So far nobody has spotted that it’s a T Swift camera, so I’m quick to point it out. Yea, just out taking some photos with the T Swift camera, no big deal.

Instax film isn’t cheap. It’s that razor blade model. Inexpensive cameras are the hook. I promised myself that I would only use the Instax for photos of people. Well, I couldn’t resist taking some urban shots today around Capitol Hill. It was a beautiful day. Soon we’ll all be quarantined or avoiding one another, so it felt good to be out and about.

Cornish, the arts school. I love that building. Someone was playing the piano. It sounded great. I tried to record some of it on my portable audio recorder, but it really only captured the cars driving by.

Cornish, the arts school. I love that building. Someone was playing the piano. It sounded great. I tried to record some of it on my portable audio recorder, but it really only captured the cars driving by.

Deluxe Bar and Grill and a view of the Loveless building. I probably should have used the “lighten” mode to bring up the shadows. I knew the highlights would be blown from the get go. My friend Alex is about to take charge of their kitchen. He knows his food. Can’t wait.

Deluxe Bar and Grill and a view of the Loveless building. I probably should have used the “lighten” mode to bring up the shadows. I knew the highlights would be blown from the get go. My friend Alex is about to take charge of their kitchen. He knows his food. Can’t wait.

Roy Street. One of my favorite streets in Seattle. I have never gotten the photo of it that my brain sees. It might require stepping into the street, but that would probably be the last photo I ever took.

Roy Street. One of my favorite streets in Seattle. I have never gotten the photo of it that my brain sees. It might require stepping into the street, but that would probably be the last photo I ever took.

The 76 station. There were a lot of oranges coming together at that intersection today. You can’t tell in the photo. Doesn’t matter. I like that intersection, even though it’s not a great one for pedestrians.

The 76 station. There were a lot of oranges coming together at that intersection today. You can’t tell in the photo. Doesn’t matter. I like that intersection, even though it’s not a great one for pedestrians.

I’m including an unrelated photo of Olmstead, a new Capitol Hill bar/restaurant. They’ve done a great job with the place. Posting it here because I don’t know what else to do with it.

Olmstead, Capitol Hill, Seattle.

Olmstead, Capitol Hill, Seattle.