According to one entry at Urban Dictionary, this is the meaning of rubbernecking:
The act of looking at something as you drive by. People do it when they come past an accident. Also tourists do it when they are observing the scenery when they are driving. It quite often causes traffic to slow down because the person looking generally slows down a bit to look out their window or windshield.
“That tourist in front of us is just rubber necking and causing this traffic jam.”
“If that guy hadn’t been rubber necking I wouldn’t have been late for work.”
by IceWarm January 08, 2006
I am rubbernecking right now, at the New York Times. I’m staring at and then clicking away from an article about travel resuming, with a beautiful photo of some Greek island, probably Santorini. Man, who in the world is taking an international vacation in the next few months (year?). If anything, start local. Give places a chance to space out room and rental occupation for cleaning.

Ooops, Amalfi Coast. In my defense, it was hasty rubbernecking.
I’m still going to read that article. It’s like looking at road kill or an accident. I’m just not reading it now. No way. I would love to go to the Amalfi Coast, though. Amalfi Coast businesses, if you want a hack photographer blogger to write about said re-opening, send me an email. I can toss aside my strongly voiced opinions at the drop of a lira. Of course then it would be paid content, and no one would take it seriously. But hey, I’m still game…