Testing, testing, 1...2...Taylor Swift

There are scientific studies, and then there are SBHOPPER studies. SBHOPPER studies should not inform thinking, actions, or policy-making. Trust me. I entered one of those baking soda + vinegar volcano eruptions into a grade school science experiment. You can’t call it a science experiment when the chemical reaction is already well known.
Archimedes probably understood the baking soda + vinegar theorems. Maybe in his grade school science fair he used it to warn people about the dangers of Vesuvius, with the judges and elected officials dismissing the science as a hoax. The wheel turns. I’m suddenly craving a neapolitan pizza and a picnic in the looming shadow of Mount Rainier. It is 2020, after all. That beautiful, deadly mountain must be percolating. Probably go just as the Cascadian Subduction Zone starts twerking.
So, if you follow this blogamajig, you know that I went on a photowalk with Taylor Swift the other day. She lent me her camera. Wait a second, time for a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) experiment. Taylor Swift lent me her Taylor Swift Fujifilm Instax similar to Polaroid film camera. (The blog stats are going to be off the charts today – might even hit double digits.) Taylor Swift, if you happen to stop by, we didn’t really go on a walk. My friend Valerie lent me her TSwift camera with TSwift film. You should hire her as an instant film tour photographer. You’ve got a year or two to sort out the details.
The Instax Square has several modes. I usually forget to look at them. But since we can’t really take photos of people right now I was screwing around and taking shots from a distance. I wanted to see if the landscape mode has a noticeable effect.
Fujifilm states that landscape mode is “ideal for capturing subjects in the distance (2m – ∞).” Let’s have a look at two photos I took of Dick’s (that’s bound to affect the SEO, too – photos of Dick’s) on different days, despite the white van making it look like it was on the same day. From different distances. Using automatic mode and then using landscape mode. I’m sure you can already list numerous ways that this experiment was porrly designed and executed. Cut me some slack. Darwin didn’t discover evolution on his first nature outing.
Same? Different? I might test it one more time, but I think there’s a noticeable difference. Which probably would make a lot of people say, duh. Pretty sure that’s why Fujifilm took the time to explain the difference you idiot. I wonder how the camera does it, though. I mean, the lens shifts, but I’d like to figure out exactly what it’s doing. Changing focal distance and aperture?

Dick’s, Capitol Hill, Seattle, July 2020.

Dick’s, Capitol Hill, Seattle, July 2020.