On the Streets and On the Trails: Seattle

I'm still working through some I hate tech woes following the simultaneous Mac OS upgrade and battery meltdown. Nothing major, but distracting.
I'll keep this short because I've forgotten most of the wildly entertaining anecdotes I intended to mention here. (Note: I lied. Not so short.)
Punctual people are the best. Punctuality is a great trait and skill. Showing up on time is half the battle. I admit that I have struggled with punctuality. Hope springs eternal, and yesterday was cause for optimism.
It was a beautiful, sunny day in Seattle, and I had an eye appointment. I wanted something early, but realistic. I chose 10:00. I was on track, but then it happened. That moment of yea, I can have one more cup of coffee. I knew it was a lie. Oh the lies I've told for one more cup of coffee.
I'm a pretty fast walker. Even out of shape, I'm in the sidewalk's passing lane. The eye daggers I shoot at couples and dog owners who take up both lanes are fierce, mental manifestations of ninja throwing stars. My friendly haha no worries hides my letter writing campaign requesting that elected officials regulate pedestrian traffic. It's gotten out of hand!
I knew I left too late, but I was making good time. I'd be within the acceptable late window. What's a few more lies. I forgot where it was, the elevators are down, who could have anticipated that truck full of chickens overturning...Because we know somewhere in those health files that seemingly disinterested administrator is making a note about whether the patient is irresponsible or really genuinely authentically had something out of his/her control that resulted in yet another late appointment.
"Hi, I'm Scott, I have an appointment at 1000." It just hit 1005, so I went with the play it cool option, not even acknowledging the 5 minutes. Hell, it's a pandemic. I got a temperature check and a wrist band in the lobby. That five minutes is in the budget.
"Hi Scott. We have you down for 9 February, but in 2022. I'm guessing that's a year off."
I really had to resist whipping out my cheap sunglasses (was expecting dilated eyes) and saying, "Well, you know what they say in the military - 5 minutes early is 10 minutes late."
The takeaway - yea, I'm late a lot, but today I was a year early. Hashtag self-improvement 2021. Who's with me? Tomorrow I'm doubling down and enrolling in a pilates course.
Still, that was a bummer. Rescheduled.
Back outside. Sunny, clear, and cold. And I was sweating my ass off because of my speed walking. Back to the other Hill, but I took the long way home.
There are a lot of tall buildings nearing completion in Seattle. I'm surprised I'm still surprised. We have seen the cranes along the skyline for years. In 2017 I was saying damn, wish I'd bought property here years ago before I left my steady gig. I think in 2025 I'll be crying as I say, damn, I should have bought property in Seattle in 2019. Small local businesses, I know you're hurting right now, but if you can hold on for another 6 months, your fortunes may change. And if you're flush with cash, the fancy First Hill buildings tell me that a cool wine bar / bistro might do well over there in 2022.
Construction workers are fearless. I stopped to take a couple of photos of buildings going up. I could see workers on high. I could never do that job. No way no how.
Today I was determined to go for a long walk. I fueled up with a botched French omelette. Chucked in some smoked salmon, tomatoes, and Los Roast green chiles to put a better face on things.
Out the door, up to Volunteer Park, a meander through Interlaken Park, the Arboretum loop, over to Madison, and back to the Hill. Or my side of the Hill. The Arboretum is wonderful. And wonderfully quiet.
Egads Madison is a slog. A neverending uphill climb. Grateful for the Blundstones. They resisted my pleas for finding a quiet spot for a nap. I also feel like I've joined a club. I see them everywhere now. I have an odd streak (or 20) that I have to keep in check. There's an urge to give a knowing nod and say, "Blundstones...nice."
I'm going to close out with some downers. I should have thrown these in earlier. I'm disappointed with Biden for a couple of things. I read a headline saying that he was moving forward with Espionage Act charges against Assange. Bad idea. I'm not a fan of Assange. Right or wrong, I question his motives and his sourcing. But as I understand it, he's being charged for things that we need journalists to do. The standard refrain I see countering that is well he's not a journalist. Last I checked there wasn't a I'm a Journalist license. We should just move on.
Neera Tanden. What an awful choice for the OMB slot. She claimed that the 2016 elections weren't valid because the Russians hacked Florida voting machines. Someone explain to me how that's different than the idiocy of Hawley and Cruz. There wasn't anyone else who could run OMB?