Out of the Shoebox: Less is Moore

Good ideas breed excessive behavior (for me). I started doing 'Out of the Shoebox' as an antidote (not a scientist) to the drudgery of photo catalog scrolling. It's gotten away from me, I need to dial it back. I'll try to find some discipline after this one.
Seattle's Moore Theatre. What a gorgeous building. I wish I'd seen a show there in the last few years. I wish I'd seen a show there ever. Or stayed at the hotel or visited the bar and/or coffee shop back in the day.
If these walls could talk. Everything has its slice of awfulness. I looked at this photo I took and it got me thinking about the post-COVID shows I want to see and the places I want to visit. And then I checked out the Moore Theatre Wikipedia page.
The Moore Theatre is an example of the history of segregation in Seattle and the United States as the "colored entrance" for Black audience members restricted to the balcony remains viewable around the corner from the front entrance for white patrons.[7]
I didn't delve deeper into the cited New York Times article. But that's the point, isn't it? You don't really have to go fact checking segregation. How on earth did any of us accept the idea that our fellow Americans/citizens/humans should have to use a separate entrance? It wasn't so long ago.