The Remains of the Day

I think boycotts are generally pretty dumb. They're ineffective when they involve a single dude outside the unicorn demographic (AKA old and tragically unhip) who doesn't spend a lot of money on tangible goods. Doesn't matter. I'm never spending another dime on Goya products. Support who you want, but take off the tin foil hat.
Will the GOP ever come back from this madness? The Dems aren't immune. You criticized Biden, you must be a Russian asset! But so far the craziness doesn't seem as wide-spread as it is within the GOP.
Hmm, not a very fun way to start a post, is it? I'll try to make up for it. I'm not over here trying to upset the entropy scale in favor of everything sux. One should never use terms they don't really understand, but man, I like the word entropy. I think I first heard it in a high school science class. Boy oh boy, I have never done well in science classes.
Photojournalists are turning in amazing, powerful work during COVID. I know I've said it a few times, but we are going to owe a huge debt to them five, ten, twenty years from now as we reflect on these weird times. If your COVID bandwidth allows, check out Andrew Testa's work in this article about COVID in the UK. I haven't read the article yet - the images were just that powerful.
Intense. Now I should add something to come down off that. My sister gently encourages me to cook more, and she regularly mentions the joys of sheet pan cooking. I laughed when I saw this article.
Still over the moon with the Blundstones. Sure, they might be the Subaru of Seattle shoes, but when something works...
I can't sign off without including a couple of photos. I wanted to add more and talk about composition (bad composition), but I'm too tired, and I'm turning in early.