On the Streets: A few images from Capitol Hill

On Saturday 20 January I took photos at the Women’s March Seattle 2018. I thought it was inspiring. I went home, downloaded the photos, and started the post-processing. I don’t do a lot to images, but it still takes time.
By the evening I still had a lot of unfinished work, but I needed some food, so I made what can be a classic blunder – heading over to the Pike/Pine corridor on a weekend night. I needed a change of scenery, though, and decided to risk it.
Luckily, my friend Tony had just finished seeing a play and said he’d be interested in grabbing some food. It was late, so our options were limited. We headed to Barrio. First time visit for both of us.
I don’t love the physical layout of the restaurant, but my food was really good. I had three tacos: two salmon and one vegan chorizo. I envied Tony’s nachos and was hoping he’d push them away unfinished. I took a few photos here and there on the walk. Snapshots would be more accurate. I should have taken one inside Barrio because the text of this post will be almost entirely unrelated to the imagery. Oh well.
Camera: Fujifilm X100T.