On the Streets: Warm Day in Seattle

Seattle went from cold to hot this week. Yesterday I was downtown to retrieve a credit card my visiting brother-in-law had left at a restaurant (thanks for dinner!). It was nice being out in the sun, but I’m hoping we get a gradual transition to summer, with a chance to enjoy a long spring.
I took some photos while I was out and about. The first 3 I’ve included below are part of an HDR image on the Fujifilm X-T2. Have you ever shot HDR? On my camera the bracket(ing) option takes 3 quick images at different exposures. You can then use a program like Adobe Lightroom to merge the photos. In theory it can help get the best of shadows and highlights. I don’t usually like HDR images. To me they often look over-processed. Still, it’s a tool, and it can be fun to experiment.

Seattle, March 2019. Bracketing on the Fujifilm X-T2.

Seattle, March 2019. Bracketing on the Fujifilm X-T2.

Seattle, March 2019. Bracketing on the Fujifilm X-T2.
The next two images are the resulting merged photo. I left the first image alone, made a virtual copy of it, and then made minor adjustments to some of the settings. They’re all JPEGs, and now I can’t remember if bracketing allows for shooting RAW. I’ll have to look that up. If you know the answer, please leave a comment.

Seattle, March 2019. Merged image from Lightroom.

Seattle, March 2019. Merged image from Lightroom with a few minor edits.