Somewhere in California

The mind goes where it will. Especially in the wee hours.
I took this photo somewhere in California. Maybe Nevada, but I think California. I didn’t think much of the photo when I uploaded it. I’m not a landscape photographer. I like looking at landscape photos, but I’m not a landscape photographer.
My plan was to write something about the Netflix movie War Machine. I’ve pushed that back. It’s late, and my mind wandered. The movie mentions the volcano eruption in Iceland in 2010 that disrupted air travel. I remember that eruption, vividly. But it’s foggy at the same time. I spent the evening trying to remember where I was. I have this vague notion of meeting friends in London, worried that one of our friends wouldn’t be able to make it because of the disruption to air travel. But I can’t sort out the details.
It doesn’t matter, really, but sometimes the mind latches on to an internal investigation. I started thinking about Dune, the Sardaukar, and the Fremen. I’ll come back to that.

Somewhere in California, I think. February 2020.