Egads tonight got away from me. I'm trying to practice what I preach with respect to printing photos. I'm convinced that photobooks and photozines are the way to go. Photos on computers or in phones don't work for me. I never go back and look at them. Photo albums are good, but they're bulky, they don't lend themselves to sequencing, and those plastic covers are a pain in the neck. Clean, durable photozines seem the way to go.
But I am a professional excuse maker when it comes to getting organized and sticking to a task. I want to print a photozine of four years of Seattle photos. Man I like this town and this region. (Saying photozine makes it sound fancy. It's not. You go to Blurb or Shutterfly, assemble the zine, upload the content, hand them $20, and voila.)
Easy enough, right? In theory. Four years' worth of digital and film photos (including instant film) is a lot to wrangle. Distraction is always a possibility. I am prone to distraction. Tonight I got distracted.
I started putting Fall 2016 photos into a separate folder. It wasn't scientific. There wasn't a formula to determine the start point. I set the end point at the election. I was trying to remember that time. I'd just arrived in Seattle. On my drive here I thought Trump was a contender, but by October, I thought we'd gotten to know him well enough that we'd recognize he wasn't much of a leader. Boy was I wrong.
It's strange to look back on that period. It seems like we were more capable of reaching consensus on basic facts. It's noon on Wednesday. Agreed, it's noon on Wednesday. In 2020 that became it's noon on Wednesday. Poor little sheep, George Soros wants you to think it's noon on Wednesday. At the same time, we were ignoring a great number of things.
I'm not a political analyst. I'm straying well outside my lane. How about we just get to some photos from that time, that place. I don't like adding more than five photos. Doing so is lazy editing. But I'm lazy.
Fremont, Seattle, Fall 2016.Fremont, Seattle, Fall 2016. I hope that person still has the red umbrella and is doing well.Fremont. I wonder if this place is still there. I'm afraid to look it up. I need to make a trip over to Fremont.Fundraiser at the Vera Project. Thanks for getting me the gig Claire Michelle.Claire Michelle - photographer, musician, model, businesswoman.Late night hot dogs outside Neumos.Avenging Unicorn at Archie McPhee. No idea why the unicorn had it in for the mime. Sure, mimes are creepy, but this seems excessive.Wallingford Squirrel.Wallingford / Fremont Halloween 2016.Roxy's, Fremont, 2016. I can't wait to eat in a diner again.Fremont / Wallingford.Shiro's Sushi, Belltown, Seattle.Cinerama, Seattle, 2016.Moore Theatre. I would have liked to have a cup of coffee at the Moore Coffee Shop.Glen Pops Freeman, Seattle.Pagliacci Pizza. Friends of mine and I used to watch The Walking Dead at The Roanoke. I think it was on Sundays. Sue bartended before moving away. The Roanoke served up spaghetti and garlic bread in little red and white containers.John and Valerie, Pacific Inn Pub. I loved going in there when Valerie was working - old school bartender with an encyclopedic knowledge of Seattle. All the dogs in the neighborhood knew she was generous with the bacon treats. John worked on one of the fishing boats that would head up to Alaska. Nice as could be. He was close to retirement, looking forward to getting back to his quiet property in Oregon. I hope they're both doing well.Capitol Hill, Seattle.Geez it's been a while. Names escape me. Karma at Lama G's? Nicest guy. Made a fantastic breakfast sandwich, cup of coffee, and home-made chai. I don't think he'd mind me saying that he had a soft spot for the 2016 winner. I'd be interested in hearing his assessment four years later. Unfortunately, Lama G's closed a couple of years ago. I hope he's doing well.The Comet Tavern. Four years of obligatory Comet photos.Capitol Hill, Halloween(ish), Seattle. I've always liked this photo. Takes me right back to that day, that moment, thinking she's got the right idea.Thanks for your service, firefighters.Big Mario's, Capitol Hill, SeattleCapitol Hill, Halloween 2016. I've always been terrible about asking to take photos. These three were awesome - heck yeah!Wedding, Seattle, 2016.Halloween, Fremont, Seattle. No matter how many times I look at this photo, I always think he's kicking his leg back a la Dancing in the Rain. Nope.Gandalf and Galadriel enjoying some ice cream.Aiko's, Capitol Hill, Seattle, 2016.Things start to take a turn for the worse. Lost Lake, November 2016.Capitol Hill, November 2016. Not looking good.Capitol Cider, November 2016. By this point we knew things were going wrong.