Hey there PNW

I've been thinking about you all and the heat. I've escaped the furnace of Phoenix for cooler temperatures in the high desert, but the memory of that oppressive heat remains, and I had air conditioning. I hope you and the pets are holding up.
Safety first, late night "deep thoughts" a distant second. These wild temperatures are fascinating. Just as an April snowfall doesn't disprove climate change, triple digits in the PNW isn't a certain indicator of global warming. I like to get my biases out in the open - the previous sentence is accurate, but I sure think we're seeing the early signs of climate change. I hope 20 years from now someone will be laughing at me for how wrong I was.
Jarring segue - this Knute Berger article about warming temperatures is one of my favorites. A lot of what he talks about in that with respect to climate refuges appeals, but wet cold gets to me.

I'm reading a collection of short stories by Charles Johnson called Night Hawks. The stories are absolutely wonderful, made even better because many of them are set in Seattle. I'll come back to this - so many passages and things to think about. The introduction is a fantastic overview of the short story as a genre.
My mom made a wonderful salmon and rice bowl meal tonight. Delicious.
OK you PNWers, stay cool. (This method has worked for my parents for 50+ years.)