North, for a change

Today started well. Beautiful day in Seattle. Warm, sunny, with some defiant trees resplendent. Tally-ho, to Volunteer Park, with haste!
My unscientific observations tell me yet again that Capitol Hill, thankfully, takes COVID seriously. Masks, distancing, no ridiculous truther complaints. It all sucks, people are struggling, and I hope Washington extends unemployment benefits. But despite it all, the people I see out and about are doing their part. I love this neighborhood.
I walked north to Volunteer Park. I saw a lot of dogs. Someone is going to write a book or do a podcast about how dogs (and to be fair, maybe some cats and gerbils...same thing, right? wait, that's mean, sorry gerbils) helped people get through this shitty year. Yea, sure, this is where you can troll me with comments about Capitol Hill and its pets. Have at it. My anecdotal observations tell me that pets (mostly dogs of course) are good for the soul, whether you live in a shoebox-sized studio or an old money Volunteer Park mansion. (I'm available for dogsitting in Volunteer Park mansions.)
Pet owners - don't get upset - maybe add some more distance and masks in those park gatherings. Leave the butt sniffing to the four legged ones.
I checked up on the Volunteer Park Cafe. I was hoping I could get a last order in before the hand over, but that process is in motion. It was closed, and the inside suggests a limbo state.
Turned south on 19th. Stopped at Macrina. The Verdura sandwich is good, as are the chocolate chip cookies. I sound very Volunteer Park residential. Fair enough, but I'm a tourist among those big houses. And this isn't about the houses. It's a good bakery, and I counted 5 or 6 people who have a job right now. I hope they're raking in the tips. It's also the first time in years I've bought a cookie. I made up for lost time. I ate three. They're wafer thin! Lies lies lies yeaah. (Edit - four.)
The day didn't end so well. A sour mood descended as I thought about our awful elected officials. When was the last time Trump put in a full day's work trying to help people get through the next few months? Plenty of criticism for the Democrats, too. But I'm trying to steer clear of that. The work I want to do lies elsewhere.
Time to turn that frown upside down. Here are some photos.