Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

There's a social pact with the online world, an understanding. Spectrum is an overused word, for a reason. It's convenient and applicable. So yea, there's a spectrum. It runs from this is how I want you to think my life is like to this is my life.
Both approaches are fine. We're all adults and can choose what we share and what we follow. I'm more interested in the latter, without too much emphasis on my. I want to hear what other people are doing...when I can get out of my head. The world has had its share of hearing about what middle-aged (cough cough, let's be very generous with the term) white dudes are doing (fellow middle-aged white dudes, I am not saying go gently into that good night, not at all - just saying something that most of us know - it's awesome making room for others...we all benefit.)
Openings have never been my strong suit. My philosophy about being online is be honest, without being overly honest. So there's no way in hell that I'm going to show a photo of the disaster that is my kitchen. And boy oh boy, right now it's a disaster. That disaster provided a great quinoa + chickpeas round of Chow Hall Eats tonight, but no one needs to see how the sausage is made.
So then where does the honesty come into play? Here. I've got some serious vaccination envy. I want to sit in a coffee shop and eavesdrop on unmasked conversations. I want to see faces and mouths. This from an introverted semi-recluse. It must be x50 for most other folks.
We're close. Once more unto the breach dear internet friends and strangers. I like the expression, but we don't have to do it for some dude who thinks God made him king. Just a little further, and the vaxx supply will dwarf demand. And if we don't suck, we'll recognize that we need to help others get the vaccines. So we can all turn into zombies at the same time. (Apocalyptic, gallows humor. Today's internet is not gallows humor friendly. My arms have turned into vaxx divining rods...I'm getting that vaxx as soon as it's offered. Hi Scott, we were wondering if you wanted to...Yes, yes, yes...I'm in the lobby, both sleeves rolled up...)
Since I'm dreaming of coffee shops (and dogs)...

Still here? Today was pretty ugly in Seattle. Cold, rainy. I wandered over to the Farmers Market on Broadway. I love Farmers Markets, even though the question about whether it's Farmers Market or Farmers' Market vexxes me. If only they could vaxxes me. If you're in a position to do it, drop by your local market, buy something, and leave a big tip.
One of my favorite markets is at Vincent's in Phoenix. I love going there with my parents and my sister's family. Vincent's is a fancy restaurant. They probably don't need to go to the trouble of having a market. But I like to think that the vendors benefit, along with the young folks and their tip jars.