Revisiting Rant

I'm an average documentary photographer. I'm an amateur portrait photographer. I love portrait photography, but realistically, I'll top out at average on that front. I haven't got the creative vision or the drive. To be good or great in any field of photography, you've got to have some combination of artist and/or drive+vision. You've got to live and breathe it.
But I have taken some portraits I'm happy with. Some of my favorites were the photos I took of Rant in the summer of 2019 in Seattle. I'm a Helmut Newton fan, and I wanted to have a go at some film noir 1930s Weimar Republic vibe shots. I got in touch with Rant, explained the vague concept, and they ran with it.

I posted the photos on my old Squarespace site, but when I moved to Ghost, the images dropped. Tonight I went back into that post in Ghost and worked with the code to get the images back. Labor intensive. Squarespace and Wordpress add in a bunch of extra code that confuses the much more streamlined Ghost. I doubt I'll ever go back and fix every post, but I figured it'd be a shame not to provide a link to the now cleaned up post.
Rant is an incredible photographer, model, and stitcher. You can contact them here.